10 things to do in Barcelona

A new blog post is finally here. I've been very busy with university and work that I never found the time to write a new post. Moreover, I did not have any adventures to write about. Sometimes sitting at home in my room, studying and not really doing anything depresses me.  I feel alive in [...]

Hiking in Bavaria

Hi. Yes I'm still alive. I know I haven't been posting regularly at all, and that is because I've dived back into the ''normal'' way of  life. My year of traveling and endless time to write and be creative on this site is over. I will continue posting whenever I get the chance, though I [...]

Ølmedal, Norway

Already a week into our next farm stay and I have so much to write about! We arrived very tired last Sunday evening after about a 10 hour bus ride from our last farm. Our new "family" (mother, father and their son) welcomed us right away with a big tray of homemade pizza. They live [...]

Back home

Sometimes life becomes a whirlwind. A bright green, blazing, churning whirlwind. One that you would look at and feel  free. happy. energetic. alive. Othertimes life becomes a light breeze, just brushing at your face, barely living. For me the last 3 months represent a whirlwind, whilst the past years are more like a breeze, that [...]